Building a grocery delivery software? Here's what you must offer

grocery delivery software

We live in a fast-paced world where customers expect everything at the flick of the wrist. Driven by the penetration of the internet and e-commerce, mobile applications and digital platforms have become mainstream. The emergence of the pandemic and the contactless shopping needs that followed intensified this trend and has accelerated digital adoption at a pace higher than most of us anticipated. With smartphone users expected to increase to more than 900 million in 2022, the digital trends are here to stay. This is something that businesses should not miss.

Online grocery shopping is a salient trend that emerged during the pandemic and a lot of retail, brick-and-mortar stores are adding e-commerce stores to stay relevant and competitive. Studies reveal that almost 79% of users used online grocery delivery platforms to source groceries during the pandemic.

If you are looking to build an online grocery store app, you are right here on the spot. This blog details the features and functionalities that you should incorporate into the store.

1.Simple registration and login

The signup page should be simple and the process should be seamless. Ask for very minimal, essential details only. Studies suggest that more than 60% of people abandon websites and forms that ask for more details. So, keep your signup as simple and easy as possible. You may ask for essential details like email, name, contact number, and address.

2.Effortless product search

The online grocery delivery platform should allow user to refine their search and shop for the groceries that they require seamlessly and effortlessly. Incorporate sophisticated search options and sorting options. Because grocery shopping is an everyday affair, the ability to search and spot the items that the user requires instantly motivates the individual to keep coming back.

3.Filtering options

Online grocery delivery platforms have thousands of products and it could become cumbersome for users to track and spot items that they require. So, when you build an online grocery delivery software the products into categories and subcategories based on brands, price range, end-use, and deals. This would help the user find a product of their preference in lesser time in the grocery store app.

4.Advanced order management

The online grocery delivery platform should help the administrator check orders, review them, and monitor the status of delivery. Such a panel or dashboard would help businesses build an effective an order tracking system to manage orders and important operations easily.

5.Flexible payment options

Different customers have different payment preferences. While building an online grocery platform, it becomes important to integrate multiple payment options like credit cards, debit cards, UPI, mobile wallets, Net banking, and so on. Beyond providing such options, it is also important to ensure that the payment is safe, secure, and encrypted. In a grocery store app, this would boost user's trust in the store and add to your credentials.

6.Add to cart feature

Each and every website has its own way of offering the 'Add to cart' option. The bottom line is that the user should be able to filter, sort, and select products, and add them to the shopping cart then and there. The user should also be able to keep a track of what they have curated and how much is it adding up to their bills. While building an online grocery delivery software, display the shopping cart either at the end of the page i.e. at the bottom, or on the sides.

While building the grocery store app, you can go creative by allowing people to share shopping carts where people can share their cart with friends and family and build a common cart for all of them.

7.Seamless checkout

The checkout process is very important in eCommerce stores because studies suggest that the average checkout abandonment rate varies between a whopping 60% and 70%. The checkout page should be clean enough to build trust and credibility in the minds of the user.

Make sure that you do the following while building an online grocery delivery software.

  • The user should be allowed to remove products from any page easily.
  • The user should be able to increase or decrease the quantity of a product at the checkout stage. Adding a '+' or '-' near the quantity would help the user.
  • Discount vouchers, deals, and offers at the checkout stage reduce the abandonment rate.
  • Never have surprise costs at checkout as they tend to put off the user.

8.Appealing UI/UX design

Building an online grocery delivery software is way different from an electronic store or an online book store, essentially because the number of items that the user will buy is well-known and the number of items they buy per order is also relatively higher. So, it becomes tedious to search for all the products every time they shop. If customers don't find what they want, there are more chances that they would choose to move on. While building an online grocery delivery software ensure that the design is very engaging and intuitive to keep the user hooked on until he or she completes shopping.

9.Chat Support

Handling answer queries right at the moment the customer gets a doubt is very important. In a way, having chat support in the grocery store app also helps in building a personal rapport with the customer and this increases the trustworthiness of the online store.

10.FAQ Section

An online grocery delivery platform should add answers to questions commonly asked by customers. It is important that you add sufficient information pertaining to account creation, returns, cancellations, delivery details, vouchers, offers and deals, and other commonly asked questions.

11.Push Notifications

Studies reveal that attractive deals and product information conveyed in a creative manner has a higher chance of being responded to, than otherwise. The online grocery delivery software shall send personalized information on new products, deals, and offers. Abandonment emails are also important to pull customers who are taking time to complete the orders.


Looking forward to building an online grocery delivery software? Well, you are right there. More and more businesses are getting online and it is important to hop on to the trend to survive and thrive.